By: Dow Constantine
I still can’t believe that Donald Trump and his allies in Congress are actually willing to trade the healthcare that millions of Americans depend on in exchange for tax breaks for special interests and the very wealthy.
I can’t believe they will actually strip access to reproductive care from women and families. I can’t believe they want to make it harder for families with loved ones suffering from addiction to receive treatment for substance abuse. I can’t believe they want to gut programs that prevent and respond to outbreaks and disease.
But that’s exactly what they’re attempting to do — and the Congressional Budget Office just confirmed that 22 million Americans will lose their healthcare if the Senate version of Trumpcare becomes law.
With Trump and Senate Majority Leader McConnell rushing for a vote to pass Trumpcare without any regard for the consequences, your voice is needed now more than ever.
Quality healthcare is a national issue that reaches every American — and it hits home for the 200,000 King County residents who rely on the Affordable Care Act.
Many of our residents who will become uninsured or have their out-of-pocket costs skyrocket are Washington’s most vulnerable populations — the elderly, the poor, those with pre-existing conditions, and school-aged children.
This is completely unacceptable. With King County lives on the line, I’ll do everything in my power to fight back and make sure our people get the care they need — and I’ll need your help to make our voices heard.
Thank you.